
Chapter 17 of Disconnected it now up. Sorry for the wait. It's longer than usual.


Why was being a private detective boring? I'm curious..  haha 


@ScottMcCoskey oh, there's nothing more boring than sitting and waiting that's for sure!


@kendra_strahm If you're not working with an agency then it's just a lot of waiting around for the phone to ring. If you are working with an agency you either get stuck working security in places that even security companies don't want to deal with, or following around cheating spouses. It's a lot of long nights spent just waiting. 
            My most memorable assignment was a seven day work week of twelve hour shifts. Our job was to 'observe' an office building of a company that did a surprise lay-off of all it's staff in case one of the former employees decided to retaliate. The firm was shocked when the six month contract was suddenly terminated after sixty days.


The chapters that I've already written for Pixie Tale & Nine Realms will be posted on schedule. There might be a delay. I've managed to tweak a muscle in my neck that requires physical therapy. It makes it a bit hard to concentrate. I hope to be able to get back into the swing of things soon. Thank you for reading & your patience.