
Can I just say thankyou for 98 followers, I know compared to others that isn't a lot on here but I never imagined I'd get 10 followers let alone 2 away from 100! Also thankyou to everyone who read HLBDYCELYSDI I actually can't believe I have over 40,000 reads, I know again that's not a lot compared to others but it is to me, again I never imagined I'd get 100 reads let alone 46,700. It just means the world to me and makes me feel so good about myself, so thankyou :) 


Can I just say thankyou for 98 followers, I know compared to others that isn't a lot on here but I never imagined I'd get 10 followers let alone 2 away from 100! Also thankyou to everyone who read HLBDYCELYSDI I actually can't believe I have over 40,000 reads, I know again that's not a lot compared to others but it is to me, again I never imagined I'd get 100 reads let alone 46,700. It just means the world to me and makes me feel so good about myself, so thankyou :) 


I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages, I had my biology exam (actual GCSE) last Wednesday and then I have my Chemistry tomorrow then physics on Thursday, then I have my mock art, graphics, pe, re, maths, English and history are over the next two weeks and then it will be completely over apart from my poetry English assessment, I literally have no idea what I'll be doing in English next year after having about 5million assessments this year. Getting off the point, the point is after these next two weeks all my exams are over and I have to write! Yay 
          That was so long and it shouldn't have been, sorry :/ 


Oh my god I am sooooooo excited for this weekend! I'm going to a communion with my family and its for my mum's cousins son but the best part is some of my Irish family is going to be there and I loooooooove Irish accents. They're my favourite accent along with jordie and Bradford and it means I'm going to Scotland for the weekend! Uh I'm so excited 


Hey, I just wanted to say a sorry for not updating. You all know why but I did my revision during the afternoon and then I've just finished my homework on Romeo and Juliet and I'm already half way through writing my next chapter so i'll TRY get it up tonight for you guys. Thank you for your patience, i'm a sucky updater at the moment SOWWY 


Hey, okay I probably won't be updating for quite a while and when I do update it'll probably be very spread apart. This is because I have my biology, physics and chemistry GCSE exams in a month and I haven't even started revising so I'm using all my free time on revising and doing past papers and have no time to write. I also have my history controlled assessment and I'm supposed to be spending time after school finishing off my final piece in art, because mine is a massive clay model I have to do it in sections, then it has to go into the kiln and I also have to paint it as well as I have rounders after school and athletics. So the while point of this tangent is to say, I have no time for writing really. Sorry but I will try to update when I can :) LOVE YOU ALL