So something completely terrifying happened to me! Its 2 am at the time. I was walking through my kitchen to get a lighter to light a candle( my cat peed on my Carpet so i use incents at night so i can sleep. Safely of course!). As i walk past the entrance to the lounge. I stop and double back. There was a random candle lit. I never felt so scared. Id been up since 12 am looking for my head phones. Going in and out of the kitchen/ lounge many times. Not once were any of the candles lit. And some of these candles are in individual candle stick holders that came from a thrift store. Can honestly say ive never been so scared. Ive had weird things happen to me on and off in my home. But never this. Why me! Im half expecting something that i cant see to taunt me tonight! Its funny tho we are the only family thats lived in this house?!