
My heart broke into pieces! (T_T) </3  #VerySadEnding #MustRead #MannequinEyes 
          	written by @Homeostatic


Just letting you know I posted a sketch of your drawing for you to approve. Letting you know 'cause sometimes thread tags can go unnoticed...>>
          Let me know if you want more eyelash power. XD
          #Comment_24912995" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Comment_24912995</a>


@Lady_Lucia Hey, Lady! I've got two comments on your beautiful sketch! ;-)
            #Comment_24921501" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Comment_24921501</a>
            #Comment_24921672" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Comment_24921672</a>


Ugh. I'm having glitches with my profile too. You're not alone in that. DX


@Lady_Lucia *sigh* Indeed. I've read your message on a thread about Wattpad's new profile layout and I agree with all that you've said.


Guys! I'm sorry if you received recurring messages from me; the last was a revised one because I thought my original composition was not posted due to some glitches, urging me to click the orange button over and over again, only to find out that it was posted an hour late. I rarely post updates and when I already have the time to do so, Wattpad isn't cooperating. So, please bear with me. Ciao!


To all my remaining 22 followers...I want to say, THANK YOU for sticking with me. And to all those who used to follow me, THANK YOU for your short stay. 
          Not all followers are the same. Some follow you because you're friends, some do so because they like your books or simply because you're cool, others became your fan because you support their works, and...there are followers who fan people because they want a follow back. If you followed me because you expect reciprocation, I'm afraid that I might disappoint you. If gaining more followers was your reason for following, then I'm not the right one for you.
          After reading this, it's all up to you guys shall you choose to stay or not. I wrote this not because I'm angry or bitter. I just want to express my thoughts.
          Love lots! =)


@DavidJThirteen Thanks, David! You made me feel better. :-)


@Scriptophobic79 Don't stress too much about losing followers.  Often it's just Wattpad deactivating accounts that haven't been used for a while.