
I'M BACKKKKKK!!! Sorry for being gone for SOOO LONGGG, after being sick with the worst cold I've ever gotten, I ended up getting some eye infection and not being able to see clearly from my eyes.
          	Then I had some seasonal sadness or something like that because I lost all inspiration for an entire month, I felt lost with myself and in life.
          	BUT! Thankfully I found my path and here I am now :)
          	Don't worry! the story chapter with be up in 2 days, just let me see where I left some errors off.
          	SEE YOU SOOON!! :3


thank you so much for your concerns! :) i've fully recovered thankfully and I'm sorry for not uploading chapters in soooo long.
          	  Chapters will be coming soon!! 


Welcome back
          	  Are you fully recover already?
          	  Pls take care


I'M BACKKKKKK!!! Sorry for being gone for SOOO LONGGG, after being sick with the worst cold I've ever gotten, I ended up getting some eye infection and not being able to see clearly from my eyes.
          Then I had some seasonal sadness or something like that because I lost all inspiration for an entire month, I felt lost with myself and in life.
          BUT! Thankfully I found my path and here I am now :)
          Don't worry! the story chapter with be up in 2 days, just let me see where I left some errors off.
          SEE YOU SOOON!! :3


thank you so much for your concerns! :) i've fully recovered thankfully and I'm sorry for not uploading chapters in soooo long.
            Chapters will be coming soon!! 


Welcome back
            Are you fully recover already?
            Pls take care


Sorry for the long wait on Chapter 18, I've recently got sick, and I can barely do anything, I also had an exam which drained me while being sick. The chapter will be available 10/14/ 23 as I still haven't finished the ending of the chapter.
          I apologize sincerely for not having the chapter available soon, see you soon!


Why dont wait till get better?
            Sure you readers will understand
            Well i am
            Take care your health first


@itsmebee20 Getting a little better, crossing my fingers that it goes away faster because I can barely concentrate while writing as I am still coughing and sneezing. But thanks for your concern, I'll be having the Chapter 18 available soon :)


Oh dear
            Are you alright now?


✎Chapter 17 available 09/26/23


@Se0_0Yeon all of zhan's friends


I will have to push it one more day because I fell asleep while 3/4 of the chapter, I am so sorry but it'll just be a day.  Heads up on this chapter! Who do you think is crazier than the other?
            Comment some theories on this chapter 17 :)


I hope you enjoyed the recent chapter!
          I got some questions regarding Xiao Zhan's behavior in this chapter and I am actually happy that some of you feel this way about him because that was my goal.
          One question I'll answer which I got a direct message was..
          Q= Is Xiao Zhan in love with Zanjin?
          A= Not in the significant other way but more of a brotherhood type of love. I got a direct message on my IG asking if Zanjin was Xiao Zhan's new love interest or that Xiao Zhan gained feelings for Zanjin while taking care of him. And the answer is no, it's more of an attachment love for a brother type not like a lover type.
          I wanted to clear that up before anyone started to believe that theory.
          I actually would love to hear y'all's theories about the next chapters
          Comment your theories or reply to this message your theories
          See you on the next chapter! Stay Healthy & Stay Safe my darlings!
           P.s. I need to make some type of cute name for yall