Yo should I continue aot texts? Lmao.


HELLO TO MY BEAUTIFUL FOLLOWERS! I have been inactive for quite a while due to the trials of life and I am amazed at the notifications I came back to see!
          I see attack on titan texts has gotten pretty popular and I am still getting some love on my aot and black butler fanfics!
          However, I will be trying to post on aot texts more often but I will have to discontinue the other two, since I'll be starting college this fall and sadly won't have time for them, so I think both stories will end in the next few posts I make. I am sorry if you loved the stories, but maybe I will rewrite them one day to make them more enjoyable, since neither of them really followed along a specific plot and I just wrote what was in my head. I thank you all for your dedication and I will see you all soon!
                                ~~~Sincerely, SeBASSYchan!


Sorry for my inactivity, I fear that A disturbance with memories and The black butler fanfic will remain on hiatus for a while longer. However, many of you seem to like to aot texts so I will focus on that right now. See you all soon!


Hello everyone! Long time no see! I'm sorry I've been inactive for so long. Unfortunately, I'll have to be off a little longer to catch up with some things at home, I'll try to post the next chapter of Tied between two next week, as my Black Butler fanfic will be on hiatus a little longer. Hold on for the bumpy ride everyone!


Thanks for the follow! 


@SeBASSYchan Sounds good, I'll message you with feedback :) 


@Ms_UwU I would love it if you were to check out my story. If you have any critique, I'd love to hear it.


@SeBASSYchan try not to feel disheartened, I've found a lot of people 'ghost read' without commenting or voting.  Not all of my stories do as well as others, but seeing the stats on some that are higher, it's like 5% of readers actually interact.   If you'd like, I can read your story and give you feedback? It's okay if you don't want that though :) 