Hey my little sea stars so it is like 10 right now but never the less I am go to ask you guys on how you guys like my books so far I really want you all to be honest with me so I know we're to improve and thank you too everyone who puts your time into give of me feedback. And also I am working on the next chapter of Kingdom High and sorry for leaving you all on that cliff hanger but I will try to finish it as soon as possible and I will try to post as much a possible for 3 Queens and Doggy. But for my poem book I think I might take down so also tell me if you want that to stay if that goes down then I will probably start a new book. If will be replaced with something that is related to Doggy or a completely new book that would be a fan fic like Fax , Braille, or something like .But If you want it to go down then with your comment pick if you want the book related to Doggy or a completely new fan fic. Well that is all I wanted to say my little sea stars and I will write to you all soon!