
I love when yall comment on my stories! Even though I haven't written anything in a long time, it's comforting to see so many people excited about my work. love you all!


just a reminder: sometimes I miss comments or don't get a notification, so if you commented asking a question and I haven't replied to you, it's likely I haven't seen it. if this is the case, feel free to dm me. I'll reply faster 


Wow, 6 years? That's amazing and very impressive, do you have any tips? I've been struggling with this whole shifting thing. I started about 3 years ago but I'm still not getting it, is it because I probably lack motivation. Please help


@Aquta06 It'll be okay. Try doing research, and maybe try drawing or writing what your mythical type looks/will look like. Stay positive and hydrated. You'll get it!