
thank y'all for 400K on my first one shots book you guys are the best <3


@SeaSickFish It's no surprise, you're books are AMAZHANG!!!


@SeaSickFish Dude OMG I had no idea you had so many reads! Your books are sure popular. I'll check them out :)


i was just looking for “percabeth one shots and drabbles” and was so sad to see it had been taken down! that was by far the best one shots book i’ve ever read- so much thought put into every chapter, every one shot so unique. i particularly remember the one where percy put a rose in annabeth’s locker every year, a different color to symbolize a different emotion, and the last rose was red. and the one where annabeth was allergic to roses and percy discovered this when he was seven, trying to give her the flowers at a playground slide, and years later he performed a magic trick with a dove erupting into flames for her. it really says a lot about your writing if i remember these from over four years ago, when i first read them. hope you keep writing (even if it’s not on wattpad), as you are truly one of the most talented on this platform, and i hope life treats you well. :)


hey! im sad to see that you took your stuff down, but i wanted to say that your stories were AMAZING. like they were by far the best stories i have read on here! you’re very talented and i hope you keep writing!!!


I know you probably don't use this account anymore, but I just wanted to say I loved your book, "I'm in love with my best friend", well loved as much as I read. I never got to finish it and it bummed me out when I went to go search for it and it was just completely gone. I hope somewhere there is a copy of it and I can finally finish the great story you wrote. Hope you are doing well, can't wait to read what you do next.


Hey man, no clue what happened. I hope you’re alright though. Your stories were amazing and an inspiration for myself. Whatever is goin on I hope you are well and I hope to be able to read your stories again some day.