

I have a rough template, not the whole story.
          Could share the idea and discuss, if okay with you,
          Also, the plot is quite long, so either you will have to do a series, or write individual books.
          perhaps we could talk next week? I have exams as well


Hi! I had a doubt regarding the workshop. Would the author be writing the book herself/himself, or would it be a collaboration type of project?
            I put this doubt up on the comments section in "Hiring Books"  and they referred me to you.


ok nice to know, look forward to the book!


@LegendaryTrident1716 btw, u don't have to join the senate for contributing ideas. Pretty much anyone can. 
            And the book's supposed to be up in like 2nd or 3rd week of March. I'm still on the process of creating a catalogue for a story adoption feature. So once that's done, it'll be up.


Yet another Valentine's Day, where I get to remain single and deeply in love with Fictional characters xD. 
          Well, life's amazing this way. Fiction's better than reality. 
          Although, happy Valentine's day to everyone, and if y'all have got loved ones (real, not fictional), remember this day's meant for expressing love and not staying in the corner with the fanfiction stuck to your face (like me.)


Well, finally some free time on my hands. I'm going to get back to writing. 
          Throughout the last week, I did some (*a lot*) research on Pertemis fanfictions. Frankly, I found a bit of a problem with the ship. 
          Artemis is an immortal, and Percy is a mortal. 
          Now that might seem okay, but seriously there is a huge problem. Any Pertemis story has to end in any of these 3 ways:
          A. Percy becomes an immortal. B. A tragedy (Percy dies). C. Artemis becomes a mortal. 
          A is the most commonly used trope in this fandom. Nobody likes a tragedy, and both the other options end up in tragedy. Unfortunately, A is deeply flawed because the only way Artemis would respect or even remotely like Percy is because of his unpredictability, his principles, and his fatal flaw. Becoming immortal would fundamentally mean he loses his fatal flaw, and his principles (not a chance without it). So, Pertemis is tbh improbable in that situation, and certainly not ideal. Way B is a tragedy and it can make up some truly good story, but unless someone just wants to torture people for the fun of it, B is out. Last but best is C. The difference between B and C is that in B, Percy dies, but in C, both of them die eventually. 
          So, this is all my research work, and I am trying to figure out a way to make the best Pertemis story. For the meantime here's a story I would recommend to every Pertemis fan. Trust me, even if you dont like the ship, give it a try. It beats every other story you have ever read:


@SeaWeedRiptide might be a headcanon but I was under the impression that every person in the world has a fatal flaw, but heroes have to look out for theirs so they arent led astray


@Iiesuu Yea, Pertemis is the first ship that brought me into fanfics in the first place. 
            Isn't fatal flaws only something heroes have or smth like that?


@SeaWeedRiptide okay but also I like reading ships that make me feel happy n pertemis makes me feel happy
            Also who's to say if semi-immortals keep their fatal flaw (I dont believe it was ever confirmed) so... that's an option