this message may be offensive
Hey y’all I like completely abandoned this site for a while but just came back on because every one of my real life friends is asleep and I was having a real rough time with the desire to just talk to someone and I knew there were some people who had messaged me a while ago saying they were there if I ever needed to talk. So long story short the new updates confused me on how to get to private conversations and ended up reading peoples posts and seeing reply’s to like middle school me comments. After that I’m feeling a lot better and don’t even really need to bother anybody with my whiny self, but seeing as my real life friends don’t know about this account, or if they do they most likely don’t know me anymore and drifted apart after starting high school, I would like to be really fucking honest with all ya’ll amazing people. Side note if you do know me in real life I’d really appreciate it if you don’t mention this outside of this site. But I’ve been kind of really lost and depressed recently, I’m kind of stumbling my way to better but it was just overwhelming tonight. And now that that’s of my chest I want to leave all you wonderful people with something inspiring and uplifting so without further ado remember that it doesn’t matter how well you fit into societal norms you are utterly amazing in one or another and if your feeling like me remember everything seems worse in the dark night and everything seems better in the bright day so just wait for tomorrow because it will be better. P.S. apologies for how long and confusing this post is it’s just too late at night and I’m just not in the right headspace to make it make a hell of lot more sense.