
I know most of my followers/readers are more into the anime sphere and less into comics like I am, but one of the biggest Comic Book Youtubers, Comicstorian has passed away. He was one of the best sources to keep up to date on comics and one of the best ways to learn about comics history. RIP Benny


I know most of my followers/readers are more into the anime sphere and less into comics like I am, but one of the biggest Comic Book Youtubers, Comicstorian has passed away. He was one of the best sources to keep up to date on comics and one of the best ways to learn about comics history. RIP Benny


It’s with a heavy heart that I say the grandfather of Shonen, Akira Toriyama, has passed. He crafted my childhood, taught me morality, and taught me that I can always be better. I promise that every day I’ll be better than I was the day before. Thank you, Toriyama-Sensei


@SonicBlade40 He will live on in all our hearts


Little update, as a gift to everyone who enjoys what I write, my main three books, as well as a new one I just published the first chapter on, will all have parts released on Christmas. I want to thank you guys for reading my stuff


Today is my birthday, I'm going to work on the next chapter of Raza for a personal celebration


@Seansyt8 Cold but manageable. Well winter just ended and spring is arriving so that's why also managed to see some cherry blossoms in early bloom. And I bought a Rosé figure cause he was damn cheap here and saves me a lot money compared to me buying him from back home


@XenoDrago  cool, how’s Japan?