
Don't want to jinx it but expect more chapters and more fanfics. Getting back into the swing of fanfic writing.


Not going to lie, I have been out of the loop of kpop for the past like year, or a few months, due to lack of interest. Of course I would listen to kpop here and there but my music taste has once again evolved to also like maneskin. I say this cause well, I believe I am slowly getting back into the kpop fandom. I say slowly cause its not in full swing. And because during that time, my motivation for fanfics dwindled but came back. So, yeah just wanted to say that


Again, I know no one who follows me reads my announcements but I am going to put this here anyway even if no one sees it. 
          Quotev, the site where my chapters get written first, has gone down hill a bit and I am worried for my account. Nothing bad has happened so far but that doesn't stop me from worrying. I have spoken to a helpline and they have suggested putting any drafts onto here. 
          So, that is what I am going to do just as a precaution.


Demigod is under some editing. Sehun's godly parent is going to be changed because I realised a little while ago that Athena is not the goddess of art. Its actually Hephaestus and hes a god. So, there is going to be some major edits the fanfic. Once these major edits happen, the fanfic will resume as normal and I will make an author's note at the beginning of the prewritten chapter for those that don't see this announcement