
Update on Blood of the Hunt:
          	To my loyal Endarkened,
          	Apologies for the long delay on this update (okay, okay, long*er* than usual).  Life has gotten just a little too full as of late, but rest assured that I believe I'm back on track now.  I was also, apparently, writing this chapter to the wrong music, but that has now been corrected and I am past the part that was stalling me out for so long.  Chapter 12 has just one section left before it's ready for release, and it's something that I've been looking forward to writing since December, so I don't foresee getting trapped on it for too long.  The real problem is just finding free time to get to my desk.  x.x
          	As always, thank you for your patience!   I know this has been quite a dry spell, and I very much appreciate the messages/comments asking about updates - it's GOOD to kick me in the butt every now and then to get me moving again!  I don't mind at all.  ^.^
          	See you soon,


will we ever get the ending of blood of hunt? on the edge of my seat in anticipation! 


I’m so sorry to hear that! May your 2023 be brighter. Thank you so much for your reply! I hope one day you can return to a place where you feel comfortable to pick up writing again, because you have a wonderful talent for it :) I would love to hear the story ending you have planned out. 


@Whatthecensored Always happy to send spoilers via DM, if you'd like. I had a fairly calamitous period wherein my spouse died and I moved across the country in the middle of a pandemic (sigh).  Add three years of frontline healthcare and teaching (if you thought one or the other sucked, don't do both), and I now find myself very far away from who I was while I was writing these in happier days  :(
            I DO know what happens to everyone, you need only ask ^.^  The dream would be to find a shred of the soul I used to have so I can finish...


Yo this is kinda dead- Hello? Is there anyone here?


[ @SebastardMorgenstern ]
            I needed to read that a lot of times to understand. 
            But since I got a reply I'd say that there is in fact someone. Even if it's no one. 


            I'm no one.  
            So if you ask if anyone is here, but no one answers, is someone here?


Hi. Have you wached the movie made after the first book from TMI? 
          It is named "The mortal Instruments : City of Bones". (The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones is a 2013 action film). 
          After i discoverd that movie i discoverd also  Cassandra's books. I liked and i like that movie very much, it aproaches very much to the story of the books, just a few things are different. I especially like the actors that play Clary and Jace, i find that they really suit for that characthers. 


But i like the actor from the show for Alec, too. 


Well for me Jace from the show looks like a potato and I do not like how he acts as Jace. So there are different tastes. 
            And Jamie CB looked very good în 2013 and played, from my point of view, Jace very well. 


@Mary_Criss   Yep, from the show.  Sorry, JCB fans   Movie Jace looks like a heroin addict.


          If you don’t mind me asking, which type of font did you use for your tmi fanfictions and where did you get it from? 


            I'm assuming you mean on the covers?
            If yes, the covers were created by the lovely and talented Emma Morgenstern.  I don't know precisely how she crafted these beautiful images, but I am aware the she did download a font that she found online, and that she did have to go looking for it.
            Sorry for the almost entirely usess answer!  It may be worth reaching out to Emma directly if you want to know - you'll find her on the extremely short list of people I follow on here.  :D


Hope everything is ok.... has Magnus hidden you in a dark corner of the shadow world and refusing to portal you out?


            Ooh, you know the way to a soulless monster's heart is flattery.
            The next 20 pages shall be on your shoulders!  
            Actually, yes. I want this on public record. 
            You are, of course, welcome to DM any specifically burning questions you might have, if you'd like a spoiler or two in the meantime.  Whose fate is weighing down your dreams?  
            }8 ]


@SebastardMorgenstern It's just that I love your adaptation of the characters I know so well and your version of the shadow world reads so brilliantly 


            That sounds quite plausible!  XD
            I live, just life got pretty well... life-y.  
            Ty for the poke!  The last person to poke me managed to turn it into another twenty pages further along, so I shall endeavor to similarly transform this one.  #CanadianGuilt is going to be what gets this to the finish line!


If you don't mind me asking, but when is the new chapter of your story??


            I never mind being asked!  ^.^
            Life has become so crazy that my writing got shoved right off the back burner and appears to have fallen behind the stove.  While I still have all my notes ready and know exactly what is going to happen, Simon has remained frozen with his mouth open mid-gape since October  D:
            I will channel this poke into progress, but I know I'm still about 20,000-25,000 words away from finishing the third book.
            If you want a spoiler or two, DM me a question!  :D


Hey... I noticed your article in the "Writing Fanfiction" book. It was kind of obvious that you are a TSC fan (same!) and that you identify with the Morgenstern clan. I do as well; in fact, my surname is Stern, which makes me feel like a true Morgenstern.
          You said that you are hardcore about fact-checking and writing style. Would you be willing to have a look at my fanfiction, The Days After, and see if I'm writing it right? Check for discrepancies, et cetera.
          Thanks in advance!


In book four or five, I don't remember which exactly, Simon and Isabelle are doing the thing. And she gives him permission to bite her. I know she used an iratze, but it's a downworlder bite. It probably would have left some sort of mark...


The only angel a seraph blade should not be named after as far as I know is Raziel. Nobody has ever said that it's not okay to name one after an archangel.


            Hey, I checked it out for you, only minor discrepancies:
            1. Naming a seraph blade for Gabriel is not a done-thing. It is mentioned in the books that no one does a Michael seraph blade, that using the names of the Archangels is not a thing
            2. Isabelle shouldnt have any scars from Simon's time as a vampire, but I'm open to being checked on that
            3. Alec has never referred to his sister as "Isa" in-canon.  Familiarly, he will use "Iz".
            Enjoy the shadowhunting world with your writing!