
When you lose yourself not cuz your lost but because you want to re find yourself and be reborn again. 


Hey buddy. How have you been doing? You're so scarce these days...
          Miss the DMs lol


@SabrinaNeethling I do i just don't have the app on my phone 


          Missing you,
          Mind you,
          Mine to keep,
          Mentioning your name,
          Make it your best,
          My life is yours,
          Merely just all because,
          I love you. 


@Sebastian_Chapa edit: 
            Merely just because,
            I will always love you. 
            "sometimes you just have to write, to get it all out, to find reason and the meaning" 


Have you ever asked yourself, why? Why was I born with this gift? When you finally realize why, you know. Don't waste your gift. The gift to write its like the gift to breath. Write like its the last thing that will live from you. Leave your legacy behind. The world will hear you the world will understand you. The world is yours if you can just sacrifice your soul to it. Let it go, be free. Your soul is free for the world when you write. Don't ever sell yourself short. Be free and write. Life is about inspiration, you will inspire those that need it that thrive it that ask for it. Those that search will find.  Those that find those that understand, they will follow. If you believe ♥ you will find. Trust me.  Lose yourself and you will find yourself.  Trust me just write. Just write. 


Hi just wanna say that thank you so much for following me and i just love your work and it somewhat gives me hope.....❤❤


@crystalmoonangel Hi I'm so glad you have enjoyed.  Hope is a virtue, it's faith in oneself.  A,spiritually fulfilled soul is someone who believes in their righteousness, and worth. We all deserve hope, and sometimes we just have to ask for it. Hope your doing well 


Added a few more lines to "Truth Hurts", took a spin and went more retrospective than the emotional tense. It's okay to take a turn in your writing; you always want to attract different vibes, eventually you will meet an em0tion and a physical tense as one. "Poetry is like water, it flows and breaks"!! *sc