@c1402d and maybe this dependacy is what leads to the hostile and competitive environments which allow for social media influencers to thrive. thousands of majority young women who have become walking billboards for the type of lifestyles colabarating brands find markatable. and yet how can this be morall or enviable when there markability revolves entirely around regular people comparing themselves to manufactured lifestyles and beauty standards. only solidifying insecurities and reiterating modern societys obsesion with vanity.
unfortunately , once again we find the reprocusions these actions have on real life indevidualds not to be unfortunate byproducts,but the exact reasons why sponsered promotions are so sucesfull. consumers comparing themselves to these idiological standards are what has lead to the sucess of companies like fashonova. infamously known for being supported by big names such as the kardashians and implicity known for exploiting thousands of child workers. the exact reason why weve seen the amount of cosmetic proceedures perfoormed double in recent years and the exact reason why the ever growing beauty industry made 511 billion last year.
A reacuring theme of exploitation emerges . but the line between those who contribute and those who are victimised becomes increasingly blury when trying to desciper who exactly on social media is a truly innocent consumer, it could be argued that influencers themslvse are exploited and there own insecurities should excuse them from any they push onto others.
This line becomes almost undistinguishable when discussing platforms like tumblr most popular with young people and a clear warning to future generations of the values growing up on social media instills . as 4 we see the demographic most comanly labelled as the victims of unforgiving beauty standards become the biggest purputaters and the effects of social media come full circle.