"You must stay drunk on writing, so that reality cannot destroy you."
-Ray Bradbury

"You," he said, "are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that I believe, is why you are in so much pain."
-Emily Autumn

About me:
Hey guys! Call me Rosie or Cadia! ^.^

Check out my modern Beauty and the Beast: Bad Boy, Good Lips #nomorebullying #weneeddiversebooks

Come say Hi! on my instagram: @second_hearts

Here's 5 facts about me!
1) I am forcing myself to actually finish a new novel for once
2) I'm studying to be a psychiatrist one day
3) Ben and Jerry's "Americone Dream" is my weakness!
4) My favorite fictional couple is Malec (magnus+alec) from TMI series
5) I have 3 cats! Totoro, Cuddlefish, and a three legged cat named T.O.A which stands for Tripod. Of. Awesomness

I'm a Writer, Reader, Artist, Pianist,Stress Baker, and ice cream obbsessed
  • Dreaming ^_^
  • BergabungJune 2, 2014

Pesan Terakhir
Second_Hearts Second_Hearts Aug 03, 2016 03:31AM
Just updated Bad boy, Good Lips- Chapter Three: Batman and the Sexmobile 
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