so you can hate me for this, but I'm going to be un-publishing every book oh here but Enchanted... no they won't be coming back, some will but just not here.
All the books I have on here are depressing, and this is not a place where I want them to be. You can easily find where some might be located, but my Inspiration or inspirer, has inspired me to do better, write better and she makes me think that I can do so much more. So from this point on, most of my books will not be depressing, this is not the account for that.
I want to bring books that I want to write about, that I know I will update, that I know people would actually read. I want to publish books that make me happy to publish.
So I'm sorry, they won't be deleted just unpublished, this is a big change and you probably don't like this change, you can tell me if you don't, but for me this is going to make every book I will ever post better, or so I think. I have high hope and I know I shouldn't but I do. Thanks for your time!