Working on the next chapter of "Protected" ^_^
I'm really tired but can't seems to be able to stop writing. I love this overpowering emotion that take me when inspiration strike. It's like a blast of energy animating my thoughts.
I will try to update as soon as I can but at the same time I don't want to press it because some important information will be made know in this chapter and I don't want to fall the effect I'm looking for.
So thank you all for your patience.
- V.-
Hi! Thanks for adding Of Frost & Cinder to your reading list. I think you're only the second person to do so, which is incredibly exciting! I hope you like it. I will be updating once my personal computer is back from the shop :)
Sorry everybody I haven't update in the longest time. Working two jobs this summer is getting on me. I promise as soon as I have more free time I will start working on my stories again.