
Wow I joined this five years ago and I still have the same cringe-worthy bio. Disappointing. 


Checking in on ye, mate! It has been quite a while. Hope you are well! ^_^ Remember that ye matter and are wonderful! Absolutely pip. Haha Take care~


@KEHKEHKEH damn dude - its been literal years. Hope you’re doing all right in quarantine esp in NY. Would love to know how you’re doing and reconnect tho maybe not via wattpad pin boards anymore lol 


@SecretiveC Whoa, mate. lol I forgot I ever posted to you. Glad you're still kicking, though. Cheers from NY~


Oh and this was eight months ago, whew sorry 


@KEHKEHKEH WHAT?!?! Oh my gosh, that's hilarious, I sure didn't do that though. My gosh, how does a kid even come up with that idea? Oh, I worry for the next generation... I wonder if the bad luck of a black cat crossing your path distributes to sitting on cats? If so, that little boy has so bad luck coming his way, hopefully he'll grow out of it soon. I volunteers at one one of those VBS weeks at my church, and had the three year olds. This one little boy, was a real sucker for our attention, and he found this pair of fairy wings and he put them on, and twirled in circle, giggling just because we were laugh at him. Oh the innocence...
          In other news, it was Mr. C. My mothers cat, Snoopy, used to push her out of bed when she was a kid. He would come and sit right next to you and curl and sleep, and you'd move over and he'd just follow the warmth until you fell off the bed. 


@KEHKEHKEH I named Dash, I had this Incredibles rug when I was younger so I guess I did like the character. But she does freak out and run down the hall after she uses the bathroom, and she, in the past, was really fat, so she lost that weight but now she has, what we like to call, pouches that swing when ever she runs around the house. We went to the vet recently with her, Dash, and one of the assistants was laughing about them and we told her how they swing whenever she runs around and she started to crack up. Even though Dash does run, it's not very often and she can't really stop very well. We have an angled wall in our hallway, but doesn't seem to use it and tries to make a sharp turn left to continue running but in reality just runs straight into the wall!


@SecretiveC Oh gosh, yeah they're leftover from when she lost some weight. Yeah, the wall turns in, or is it out, well it's straight and on the right it keeps going until it makes a 90 degree angle, but then the left turns left...dang it this is hard to explain...anyways, I run into door frames. I'm very unbalanced and I'm sure one day a police officer is going to think I'm drunk because of the way I walk. It's not every time I walk, just whenever I pass underneath an entryway that makes me bang my shoulder on it. I should really invest in some shoulder pads...


@SecretiveC AHAHAHAHAHA Nooooo~! x"D Pouches that swing when she runs?! OH MY TOAST. Hahahaha
            Are they left-over saggy-ness from when she was a fatty? Or, are they her cat-nipples...? (Hahaha I don't know if that is what they are actually called......)
            An angled wall? Like, instead of vertical, it is slightly out/in?? O: (Haha- I don't run into doors, but I have a specialty in walking into closed doors that I don't expect to be shut and so am not looking at, and not turning the handle enough before walking and so still walking into a door...


@KEHKEHKEH but uh yeah Calvin is the one that doesn't like us very much, he likes all the friends we bring over but pays our family no mind. He's a softie at heart and freaks out to easily. He weakness is straws, he's to easily entertained by them. Now Dash, named after a weird obsession with the character in The Incredibles, is your typical domestic cat. 'Observe the species, Felis catus, in its natural habitat, the couch. Watch how it readjusts its paws, tucking them underneath their body to keep them from the bitter cold of 68 degrees (F). Now, listen to the rumbling produced by the separation of vocal cords, also known as purring...'  


@KEHKEHKEH actually, Calvin's the ninja cat, Dash is the next grumpy cat. Speaking of climbing trees, my mom thinks we shouldn't get a real Christmas tree because Calvin will try to climb it, so we have an artificial one...that he tried to climb this year. Nice try mom. But he'd probably eat the real tree anyways, he's got a weird obsession of eating plants...


@KEHKEHKEH yeah, the fat oreo cat is Calvin, he's the youngest. What's funny is that Dash, the grumpy one, always wanted to play with the Astro, the cat we had before Calvin, and now Dash has switched places. 
          Calvin sits up on his perch and just looks down upon us...literally, he's like a king surveying his land from his castle. He's very reclusive to, like a ninja. One second he's nowhere to be seen, the next he's staring at us from behind the tv while we're eating dinner. And he has a very strict policy of 'No Petting Allowed'. (Guess who breaks that rule?) except in the morning, he's very social then, and when we're on the computer. He comes and sits in front of, or if we're lucky, on the keyboard. He's pretty crazy.
          Yeah, I call those dogs rats. And they are. Anyways, glad you're feeling better! :)


@KEHKEHKEH Definitely, couldn't agree more...the cats won't go anywhere near the water dish whenever the dog is in, the furballs have a hard time believing Pepper cant get out of the dog pen. But that doesn tstop them from being vultures whenever we eat dinner and the dog is in. Calvin just sits on the counter of the kitchen island above thentop of the dog gate fence and just stares at us like,"You feel the need to give me the entire chicken right this moment." Needless to say, they still get scraps afterwards because they're pigs...really fats pigs.
          Hope you feel better soon. (: