@KEHKEHKEH WHAT?!?! Oh my gosh, that's hilarious, I sure didn't do that though. My gosh, how does a kid even come up with that idea? Oh, I worry for the next generation... I wonder if the bad luck of a black cat crossing your path distributes to sitting on cats? If so, that little boy has so bad luck coming his way, hopefully he'll grow out of it soon. I volunteers at one one of those VBS weeks at my church, and had the three year olds. This one little boy, was a real sucker for our attention, and he found this pair of fairy wings and he put them on, and twirled in circle, giggling just because we were laugh at him. Oh the innocence...
In other news, it was Mr. C. My mothers cat, Snoopy, used to push her out of bed when she was a kid. He would come and sit right next to you and curl and sleep, and you'd move over and he'd just follow the warmth until you fell off the bed.