
Hey everyone!  I'm really sorry for such a long hiatus on Forbidden, and for the shorter chapter that followed the hiatus.
          	On that topic, is there anything that you would like to see in Forbidden or in another future fic?  (Plot devices, situations, etc.)  Any ideas are greatly appreciated!


Hey everyone!  I'm really sorry for such a long hiatus on Forbidden, and for the shorter chapter that followed the hiatus.
          On that topic, is there anything that you would like to see in Forbidden or in another future fic?  (Plot devices, situations, etc.)  Any ideas are greatly appreciated!


Hey guys!  I'm thinking of writing a mashup fic and was wondering which fandom you'd like me to pair with Miraculous.  I'd really like to help you guys get involved, so any ideas are greatly appreciated!
          The next part of Forbidden will be up either today or tomorrow.  Just some minor reviews and edits to go!


I don't really know what fandoms you're in, but I've considered Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Fairy Tail, Yuri!!! on Ice, My Hero Academia, etc.  A lot of the Wattpad fanfiction communities.  Really whatever you can think of!


honestly i have no idea, but it sounds like a super awesome idea and i love it, maybe give me some options and i’ll pick one


Hey, Madelyn here, I got to say I love your works! I so happen to be a Miraculous fan as well so it’s always nice to find a fan


@NewtAvenger Hi!  Nice to hear from you.  Thank you so much!!  A lot of what I wrote was from middle school and I really was just beginning to gain confidence in my writing, so it really means a lot that you love my earlier stuff so much.  Always here if you need to scream about the newest episodes with someone!


@Sherlock_HW I like about myself?  Hmm...
            1. I try my hardest to be a good person to everyone around me.  If I can make their day just a little bit better, I'll be proud of myself.
            2. I stick with things until the end, even if I'm getting discouraged.
            3. I'm always looking for ways to improve myself and my writing.  I'm hoping to publish a book series someday :3
            4. I'm a very neat, organized person.  Everything has its place and I seldom lose things.
            5. I like to think I have a big vocabulary.  Like I said above, I'm always looking for ways to improve and build upon it.
            I can't pick favorites so whoever wants to answer this go ahead!  Five things you like about yourself!


Does anyone even read these notes?
          Anyway, I know it's been forever since I posted last.  The end of the school year is this Friday and I have so many ideas I think my brain might just explode.  I'll have a new part out as soon as I can.
          Seriously how are people still reading The Closet?  It's literally got so many plot holes and I wrote it so long ago.  But hey...uh...thanks for all the support.  I still can't believe it, and warm I'm stressed I like to read the notifications and comments.  It really makes my day.
          Also, I'm always open to fanfiction ideas.  I've been trying to find a way to connect more with readers, so if anyone has any ideas I'd be glad to talk.
          Thank you guys immensely!  I can't express how much all of this means to me!
          ~ Secretly Ladybug


I don't know if you've noticed, but I am very inconsistent when it comes to updating.  These parts take a lot of work (since I try to make them around 2,000 words) and with the end of the school year coming up I haven't had a lot of time to write.  I would say that I will write more during the summer, but I feel bad making promises without knowing if I will be able to keep them.  I swear though, I'm not dead and I haven't forgotten about Wattpad or my stories.  Please allow me some time to get my life together.


Ooooooooooooooooh I love it!!!  I love it I love it I love it.  I have SOOOO many ideas.  What fandoms are you guys into that I could mashup?  Supernatural?  Sherlock?  Doctor Who?  Let me know your thoughts!


@SecretlyLadybug First, CONGRATSSS, second, how about an AU where everything is gender reversed, or one that is a mash up up of 2 different fandoms... these ideas are SO unoriginal but I feel like you could take them and write them into something AMAZEBALLS :D


I sincerely apologize for the wait on Part 3 of Forbidden.  I had writer's block and I've had to rewrite the entire chapter at least three times.  I've been trying to make Forbidden's chapters at least 2,000 words (which is long considering The Closet had 500-1,000 words per chapter) and I'm trying to make a good-quality story.  In addition, I've been under a lot of stress and it's only gotten worse since December (I haven't updated since December!!!  Ahh!!!).  But now I should be back to updating.  I'll try to get the next part out today if I can.  I still have about 1,000 words to go, but I have an idea of where to take the chapter now so it shouldn't take long.  Sorry for the long wait and sorry for not updating!!!!  And thank you so, so much for all the support I've gotten on The Closet.  I read every single comment and it always makes my day and inspires me to keep writing.  When things get stressful I know I can look at my Wattpad notifications to motivate me.  Sorry for posting such a long message and thank you for sticking with me!


It otay and we understand 


Sorry if you see my account voting on Supernatural fanfictions.  My best friend and I are obsessed with the show.  She isn't allowed to have a Wattpad account, so I'm letting her use mine to read fanfiction.  Sometimes she accidentally votes on stories.


She also reads other fanfictions too.  Whoops xD


@Gruvia2006 Oh Chuck I hope not.  Better make it canon before then.


@SecretlyLadybug I figuring the last episode they are going to make it cannon just to tease everyone.