
Hey guys..
          	It's @LizTheDestructionGod 
          	I managed to get the password to her account well looking threw older messages.


          You'll still always have a special place in my heart. I still love you, even to this day ♡ 
          I wish I could've gotten to speak to you one last time and tell you how much I loved you. 
          I dont have much else to say, I just miss you so much... no one else has made me feel like you and I swear you were the one


I need to get this off my chest because it hurts so bad thinking about it I never got the chance to say I'm sorry I didn't respond in time and you thought I hated you my step mom took my tablet and I was trying so hard to get it back I'm so sorry I wasn't there it's been a while since it happened but Everytime I get in this app it reminds me of you....I haven't even been able to say your name with out wanting to break down in tears...yes I know it's been like 2-3 years or I don't know I was never told when I could celebrate the day in your honor you were a truly strong person and you were loved and you are missed....I wish I could have been there for you...I'm so sorry..I hope your in a good place you deserve peace after all the pain you've been were a good friend you..
                                                              - Kay


I-I can't believe it.....
          Rest in peace Madeline..... 
          When the cops had arrived, they searched everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. She had ran away... They went searching everywhere...
          After a few days, they found Maddie... lying unconscious.... She overdosed....
          She was admitted to the hospital immediately... She died a day later....
          I-I can't believe it.... Maddie's dead...
          My best friend is dead. I can't.... 
          But I don't blame her....
          At five, she was raped by her own brother.
          At seven, she started getting bullied in school.
          At seven again, her parents got a divorce, and her father remarried. Her father was an alcoholic, and never was there for her... her step-mother, she abused her, starved her... refused to give her anti-depressants and other medicine, etc...
          She got adopted by her aunt recently, but then snapped and then this happened.... I-I-I......
          I'm sorry Lizzie...... 
          And this time... I can't even attend the funeral...


@SecwetBeing I miss her so much... <\3


@SecwetBeing damn it..  Its all my fault...  I wa sthe problem here...  I wa stje entire aource of the problem..  I was going to ask wher eshe lived,  so i could go see her,  but i cant now.  I loved her so much..  Dammit...  Now i cnat stop crying.  Fuk- 
            Maddie.....  I wish i ve heard her voice,  i wish i couldve kissed her,  talk to her..  I wish i couldve seen her.  


*Not @secwetbeing but a friend*
          "I'm not able to get on anymore. I'm not allowed on my phone, my computer, nothing. I've locked myself in my room. I can't I can't I can't. I'm starving. I haven't eaten in DAYS. I'm running out of water. I'm cutting more and more and more. I'm going INSANE! I want to talk to my girlfriend! I do I do I do! But my mom will not let me! She says I'm too young for love! Me and Caroline! She and her girlfriend had to break up as well! I can't! I'm just trapped in my room, sobbing to myself as my wrists bleed and bleed and bleed! Please! I just want to leave! And I want to talk to you -----(my name) and Alix! But I can't! I'm sneaking on, I am! I have to go now, just a quick message. Tell Lizzie that I love her... I do and I want to tell her myself, but I can't. I have to go... bye..."
          It's from Maddie. A text. She isn't allowed on her technology anymore, so she can't be on. So sorry to @TAEKOOK---BITCH ...


@SecwetBeing :( okay. Do any of you have her aunt,s(mom's ) number? I just want her aunt(Mom) to tell her a few things.


@SecwetBeing ... She's going threw as much as me... this made me cry..
            I love her too. Please, please tell her to eat. Please..


          (She's wonderful)


@SecwetBeing adwadfddawdfwarrwqrqkyvckelnwc- saw dat person earlier but 4got to follow dem OOF-
            @TAEKOOK---BITCH ur amazing! :,D sry i 4got 2 follow u- (why so many code word things lol)