
Hi guys, sorry for not updating my story for a while, I've been really busy. But since it's summer break now I'm gonna try to write a lot! In the main time, you can read my seddie fanfic iWill Always find you (if you want to of course). I'll be uploading it on here chapter by chapter until I've finished the story. If you wanna read the (almost) whole story already just go to to read it there. Please leave me some feedback on my stories! (:


Hi guys, sorry for not updating my story for a while, I've been really busy. But since it's summer break now I'm gonna try to write a lot! In the main time, you can read my seddie fanfic iWill Always find you (if you want to of course). I'll be uploading it on here chapter by chapter until I've finished the story. If you wanna read the (almost) whole story already just go to to read it there. Please leave me some feedback on my stories! (:


@iDreamAboutSeddie aww lol. Well if you wanna read it my seddie one is called iWill Always Find you and don't worry about finishing soon, it has over 50 chapters haha. Then I have a jathan one called Mebe Stuck Between Two Ways but that one's pretty short.


@SeddieKress  Yeah, I saw both. And trust me... in about 20-40 minutes, I'm more then halfway done... depending if it's a good book or not xP


@iDreamAboutSeddie No not really :/ I want to but my computer is really slow and since fanfiction doesn't allow you to write from your phone I can't update fast :/ 


@SeddieKress  Oh ok, I just really wanted to know because I really want to read them but when I get to the last chapter and finish it, I don't wanna start crying because it's not comletely finished