
If anyone's still there... Would you like a Royal Merman koo x Taehyung fic? I've got a nice idea about it and probably start updating soon


Anyone up for a royal au where... 
          Jungkook is the soon to be crown prince who runs away from his kingdom to escape the hard life of prince and moves to Seoul, where an intruder steals his first kiss at midnight?? 
          This plot is reallllly random... I just wrote it, cuz I got the idea out of nowhere.... 


@kottomkook awwe the cutie from earlier- ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ❤


I have few tk au ideas
           choose one! 
          Sci-fi au ( I haven't decided the name yet) where jungkook is a gamer and taehyung a character in his game, or that's what he thought, happens to step out of the monitor, looking like a human asking for help. 
          Country side love, where taehyung freshly graduated from high school, moves in with his grandparents in the country side where he meets a cute White witch with bambi eyes and posy pink lips.
          Which one would u like to read?? I'll start working on that fic first


@VnxGgukie okie! (≧∇≦)/


i like 1st option XD