okay! hey! to celebrate the 1k reads on my work "Santa and Macchiato" I would be taking reading requests until febuary, my time. I would be reading until 5 chapters, comment a long message of how you could improve and how you did well, vote (if i haven't) and have give you a follow on my challenge account, @SeekingChallenges plus my eternal love, you could go bombard me with your sorrows and i'd handle it, comfort you haha. i would be your friend for life. To enter, or just celebrate with me, send me a link of your story on the comment section of Santa and Macchiato(it could be less than 5 chapters if you haven't posted) if you did send me my eternal gratitude would cherish. haha just make sure to read Santa and Macchiato. Oh and i forgot to tell you i would add the story of your choice to my reading list "Of Monsters and Men" and i would request for you to listen to the band cuz they are really awesome. Again, send me the link in the comment section of Santa and Macchiato, don't worry, i would delete the message once I receive the LINK. please not the title only. THANK YOU SO MUCH I WUV YOU ALL
p.s. this is like a give and take thing