I saw your reply to my comment on Under My Skin but I didn't think it was appropriate for me to constantly comment on someone's story over something she's taken out of her story. The big deal is that people of other races who have dreadlocks are seen as edgy, cool and trendy meanwhile if someone black has the style they face criticism or are deemed as unprofessional. It's cultural appropriation at its finest especially since people who aren't of African descent hair doesn't naturally dread or lock up. I wasn't trying to start a long drawn out conversation or cause problems, as a black girl I couldn't just allow it to pass without saying something about it.

@TeeGraham I do wish more people could learn what a discussion actually is. What you're saying makes a lot of sense and I feel like it's because you're saying it calmly. Thanks for that. :) I've enjoyed talking with you.

@FadingLights yeah there are worse things black people face but the cultural appropriation and or dreadlock situation is just a part of a bigger problem our community has been trying to fix and bring attention for years. Small or not if I see a double standard against gender, race, religion, sexuality I always try to acknowledge it or at least hear where the other side is coming from. More discussions can be like this if people learn how the difference between a discussion, debate, and argument sometimes the three titles get bunched up into one.

@TeeGraham I actually lived for a long time in a place many would consider the "hood." Maybe that's why dreads isn't a big deal to me. There are so many worse things black people face, it almost seems ridiculous to get upset about hair. This is just what I think though. I do see where your coming from and I respect your opinion. I'm glad we were able to discuss this calmly. :)