
Hey all! Just letting you know that I'm going to be taking a break from uploading or posting on Your Prayer Journal for the next few weeks (two or three) due to the busyness of the start of summer. (Apparently my family had a lot of plans that I didn't know about... :/ ) Thanks :)


Hey all! Just letting you know that I'm going to be taking a break from uploading or posting on Your Prayer Journal for the next few weeks (two or three) due to the busyness of the start of summer. (Apparently my family had a lot of plans that I didn't know about... :/ ) Thanks :)


Ok, I just want to say that your prayer book is a huge blessing. In a site like this it's very hard to find someone who shares my faith, but you not only share it, but are willingly spreading it! You have such a gift with words and a way of clarifying scripture for others. You are so wonderful, thank you. 
          God bless, 


@KaylaBignall Thank you so much. I was inspired by other Christians on this website (and others) and decided to combine my love for writing and love for God. I hope you do the same :)


Did you draw your profile picture?


            Man, I wish I could draw like that too. 
            I do draw a little if you wanna see my art book ^_^ 
            No, this is not shameless self promotion. 0______0 
            So that's clear. . . 


@marshycakes  No, I didn't draw it... I wish I did though!