You know, I have decided that one day I’m going to write a book, and it’s going to be a really good book, light hearted and comedic, and then as soon as it gets to the plot, I’ll just make things slowly escalate until it become the most heart wrenching and saddening book of all time where the best support characters die an I’ll just create havoc with this simple factor, but then at the end, it slowly goes back to heartwarming with the main characters and their cute love story, but then right at the end someone who they loved and trusted will just kill them both and that will be the end, no epilogue, no second book, nothing, that will just be the end. However, before you think it will be a cruel ending, it won’t, it’ll be the sweetest most heartwarming ending of their death that will make you cry like a baby. I don’t know how I’m going to do that yet, but I will, and non of yall will ever see it coming because it starts out all fluffy and no one will ever trust anything I write again. I’m evil I know but I swear to god it will most likely be one of the best books I ever write.