
@feathersnake Thanks so much! I'm definitely doing much better than I have been these past couple of months. Don't worry, go right ahead, I haven't updated in so long, so I don't expect you to remember everything XD
          	Thanks a bunch, and it's nice to be back here :))


I have just recently fanned u, ur work is so amazingly unique n I'm loving every word hanging on every word n i am 110% enthralled in ur work. I have just recently lost my grandmother and my best friend. The only friend that i do have (cuz its hard for me to trust after being hurt do many times) has just lost her brother n my grandfathers now in the alphabetical. Reading providesI me with an escape, especially from the sickness n problems that I myself have. My kids love hearing this book as well, we have been through a lot together n its nice to imagine a place where things as such really do exist n so do magical powers. Ur work is awesome, amazing, n i simply cannot wait for the update to read more n find out more of what's going on. N don't worry i don't always read all parts to my kids. Just certain short parts with the general idea of what's going on. My son Is my oldest n he loves the characters!! Amazing job!!!!  ;-)  :-P


@SeizetheDay0110 Welcome back! :) 
          I understand. Life happens. It's good to hear you're doing alright though. At least I hope you are.
          I'm looking forward to that update! I might have to go re-read a couple of chapters to refresh myself though.
          Best of luck with everything! It's nice to see you back. :D


Hey, guys! I know that I've been very absent from Wattpad, and that my story hasn't been updated in, what's that now? More or less, 7 months? It's just that I've been going through a rough time, and I've had to deal with things that were very... delicate. I can't go into details, because it's hard for me to talk about it, I don't even talk about it with people I really know in the world around me. I can't. I have a hard time doing so. I sometimes think I can mostly talk only to those people here, like Mee and pickaboo. Anyways, I'm back now, and that's all that matters, right? The next chapter of Escape is on the way, and I hope you guys are still willing to read it :D


Okay wow that sounds super prestigious now haha. 0.0001 percent away is a hard pill to swallow in that case x__x 
          I think the limited POV is fine, especially if you're putting it on different chapters. Should be pretty easy to follow :) 


I wouldn't mind an update of Escape :3 Just saying LOL 
          Sorry if I sound ignorant, but what is a summa cum laude? o__o but I agree with the dumb point averages. It drives me crazy! 
          I'm curious how you'll write a story with multiple protagonists! Would it be in like 4 POV's if there are four main characters? 


I hate the crazy point differences. Lets just say you're like one percent from a B or something but you don't get that one percent, your GPA is like now a 2.7 rather than a 3 -__-" it's so aggravating!
          Post it missy :) I'll be waiting!