
          Start feeling good about yourself right now. Not when something happens for you, not in the future, but right now. This is the only moment you have. Stop waiting for happiness to come one day for us to feel good. Be happy today. Be grateful now. Live fully.
          You are doing all that you can. Balancing life & everything else in between. Give yourself credit for all that you do. You are resilient & strong. You are dedicated & determined
          Keep evolving & recreating yourself. Read. Explore. Discover. Learning new things & expanding your mind will add versatility into your life. You shouldn’t be who you were last week. Create new habits & consistently upgrade yourself in all ways & on all levels.
          "The truth is we reach a point where we know who we are, what we want and what we deserve and we’re not willing to go back to selling ourselves short again. We’re not willing to repeat the same vicious cycle of handing out our hearts to those who don’t know how to catch them. The truth is we reach a point where our self-love trumps any other love. We choose ourselves even when people don’t choose us.
          The truth is we outgrow those who show us that they’re not invested. That they don’t want to try. We outgrow those who treat us like a pit stop until they find what they’re looking for. We outgrow those who don’t make us feel like they’re glad they found us. We outgrow those who don’t value us the way we want to be valued.
          There are few people in this world who keep their word. If they promise something, they deliver. If they said they will show up, they do. If they commit to something, you know they will finish it. You can bet they are on their way to enormous success.
          But just to let us feel we are supported and cared about.
          Don’t tell people what you’re gonna do, just do it.


          When you set a big goal for yourself but deep down believe that you have no chance to achieve it, you are likely to give up at the first sign of obstacles. When you believe you can achieve your goal, you are far more likely to persist through any & all obstacles.
          There will come a day that you will get tired proving the world about what you are made up of—of what can or what you are capable of. You will get tired proving them wrong. You will get tired seeking for their approval. You will get tired giving out your tea to anyone just to be validated. You will just get tired carrying the weight of their opinion. And by then, you will realize that you don't necessarily have to make a scene and trade your self-worth just to let them know of your presence and your existence. You will just let everyone and everything go and just do your thing. You will exist, you will live and you will create your own way of leaving an impact to people who can truly see your worth. 
          By then, it won't feel heavy anymore.
          “Let go of all the expectations, let go of all the timelines and let go of the notion that at a certain age, you have to be more accomplished than others or you need to have it all together.”✨
          Be willing to sacrifice the old ways of doing things so you can step into a greater you. Let the unhealthy habits & negative thoughts go. Change your mindset, attitude, & beliefs towards one of optimism. It’s in you right now to completely change your life.
          RnoomaQueen ❤️❤️


          Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes.
          Because for those who love with heart and soul
          There is no such thing as separation.✨
          “Let go of all the expectations, let go of all the timelines and let go of the notion that at a certain age, you have to be more accomplished than others or you need to have it all together.”✨
          Be willing to sacrifice the old ways of doing things so you can step into a greater you. Let the unhealthy habits & negative thoughts go. Change your mindset, attitude, & beliefs towards one of optimism. It’s in you right now to completely change your life.
          "You - yourself, not someone else - need to determine where you want to go and what you want to do in your life. And once you make that decision, you can begin mapping a plan to get there and focusing on that objective every single day."✨
          Keep telling yourself that things are going to work out even when you don’t know how. The positive attitude and optimism will start to change everything that’s happening in your life. Keep having hope and keep believing that things will get better.


          "I hope that you will still hold on until that very day comes when there will be sparks again that excite you as you wake up each passing day. That you will regain the good things you have lost, that you will relive the same passion that fades, that you will find reasons to keep going, and that you will renew yourself way better than the insecurities you have in yourself. Little by little, I hope that you will finally attain the healing that you need.
          One day, you will make it through. 
          “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”✨
          You’re not behind. It’s not too late. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Everything is unfolding. Don’t judge yourself or be hard on yourself about how long something is taking to happen. Your time is coming. Just be thankful that you made it this far.
          Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.
          No matter how unworthy you feel about yourself, no matter how ugly the corners you have walked through, no matter how many times you see yourself falling, always bear in mind, the world is too vast for you to just dwell in one stopover; keep on braving.
          Never stop working on yourself. Your truth is yours to see.✨



@Sekawe only one chapter?