
Bin für heute offline! 


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Ok Honey, so why do I write now? I'm sure you thinking something like "oh hell no, what does this chic want now??" And you are goddamn right cause there are some things I want from you and you know what these things are?
          Tears of Happyness
          For everyone. There are people here needing all this, since they aren't used to the feeling of someone appreciating them. And this makes me sad, you know? Even an asshole has feelings. Someone with a black, crumpled heart too. Often THOSE people are those who stand their opinion. Those people who have been hurt badly. Who have been...forgotten. And I don't want no body to be forgotten. 
          Not for his character
          Not for his skin color
          Not for his Believe
          Not for his choices of what or who to like or dislike for different Reasons.
          I want you, yes you, the owner of that profile, know, that I am there. And there are other people to. And those people have feelings and needs just like you. 
          And that I wanna help you. If you let me. 
          That I want to get to know you. If you want to.
          That I want to be there for you. If you want to.
          To tell you how much i like you maybe even daily
          Cause you will have to remember that you are loved no matter what. That at least I will accept you and your mistakes how big they might be. That I am only human, just like you and that I am completely honest when I say things like that. Completely.
          And gere again so that you won't be even able to forget it:
          I LOVE YOU
          cause I love everyone, even if I'd better not. Even if I know better and have lived and seen things not so bright. But what would Life be without a Damn Risk? XD
          You can't damn the whole world for one human, broken and mistaken and doing mistakes over mistakes to cope his problems and to ignore them. There are so many fears, i want to silence at least some of them.
          If you'll let me, that is.


Bin unter der Woche meistens in der Schule,
          (sofern das Gymnasium nicht geschlossen wird) 
          nicht immer erreichbar. Probiere aber immer sofort zu antworten, meistens bin ich am Morgen, Mittag und Abend erreichbar ^^
          Schreibt mir aber trotzdem, falls ihr fragen habt!


@ SelectionRpgGerman  Bei mir ist es dasselbe, wenn ich zum Tanzen oder so muss, sage ich vorher Bescheid ^^