
Thank you all for the 1k Reads on my English story. I am happy that it is so well received by you and hope that you will also like its future course. It's just unbelievable for me, because I only uploaded it here about a quarter of a year ago, so thank you again. ^^ :D <33333333333333


Woah guess you are a huge Pokemon ϟϟ(๑⚈ ․̫ ⚈๑)fan haha! 


@Yujipookie  Yes, of course. It's the first after all.


@Selinara700 kalos offcourse but the indigo league is quite memorable one ! 


@Yujipookie  and which season is your favorite?


Danke das du mir folgst.


@Selinara700 Gerne auserdem mag ich pokemon und auch felinara oder wie man das schreibt was du alls Profil bild hast.


The girl reading this is kind and I'm proud of her. Now, you're on the clock.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ In 9 minutes something will make you happy. Please share this with 15 girls you love. Remember, only for girls. If I don't get this back I'm obviously not a close friend. Now, I have a game for you, it's been played since 1993. Once you read this, you have to send it to 15 people. Your next 5 days will be like this: Day 1 - you will wake up to the biggest shock of your life. Day 2 - you will cross paths with an old friend you have missed. Day 3 - you will find yourself with a lot of money. Day 4 - your day will be perfect. Day 5 - the person u like the most in your life will spend lots of time with you. If you don't forward this, your next 5 days will be the exact opposite. Don't break this.
          Send it to 15 friends in 10 minutes. It's not that hard. Whoever sent this to you must care about you. Sent to good friends and family No group chats; just and copy paste it.


Du willst gerade deinen Lieblingsfilm sehen, als es klingelt. Wer das wohl ist?  Du gehst zu deiner Tür und öffnest sie, doch da ist niemand. Schulterzuckend gehst du zurück zu deinem Film, aber da liegt etwas:  Eine rote Rose und ein schwarzer Brief: 
          Hey du,
          Vielen lieben Dank für dein Follow ♥️ Du gehörst jetzt zur Rosen Community, aber wenn ich fragen darf, wie komme ich zu dieser Ehre?
          Liebe Grüße 


Thank you all for the 1k Reads on my English story. I am happy that it is so well received by you and hope that you will also like its future course. It's just unbelievable for me, because I only uploaded it here about a quarter of a year ago, so thank you again. ^^ :D <33333333333333