
Hi everyone. It's time, to tell the truth. Everyone understands how demanding and tiring high school can be, that's why I'm taking a pause. During the school holidays, I am more available and will write more. Regards to all, @SelmaLovesWriting


          *Some chapters have been rewritten and improved.
          *Chapter names have been changed and improved.
          *New rankings on Losing Control →  #295 IN LOSS out of 52.1k stories → #354 IN 
            POLICE out of 18.2k stories.
          Note: If you have any feedback or concerns please reply to this conversation post and I will respond as fast as I can. Please remember no hate or spam comments, all hate and spam comments will be removed. Thanks for supporting me and for reading my stories. Best of luck, and Happy New Year, @SelmaLovesWriting.


UPDATE: NEW FORM CREATED                                                                     DATE 31 DEC 2022
          Hello reader, please click the link below and fill in the form. 
          Here is the link: 
          Note: (If the form doesn't work, or you need help please reply to this conversation post and I will try to help as quickly as I can.)
          Note: If you have any feedback or concerns please reply to this conversation post and I will respond as fast as I can. Please remember no hate or spam comments, all hate and spam comments will be removed. Thanks for supporting me and for reading my stories. Best of luck, @SelmaLovesWriting.


UPDATES MADE DURING TODAY:                                                                   DATE: 29 DEC 2022
          *Profile changes:
          *Profile picture changed.
          *Background image changed.
          *About me information changed and improved.
          *New conversation post. (This one)
          Changes to Losing Control:
          *Book cover change: Re-designed to make it match the content of the story.
          *Description of the story changed (not the prologue): Improved since it didn't match the content of the story.
          *More published chapters. 
          *More editing, correcting sentences, and grammar. 
          Note: More changes might happen. If you have any feedback or concerns please reply to this conversation post and I will respond as fast as I can. Please remember no hate or spam comments, all hate and spam comments will be removed. Thanks for supporting me and for reading my stories. Best of luck, @SelmaLovesWriting.