
this message may be offensive
Ya'll, if youve ever been to london and know shit, please check out the latest post on the book 'Random Shit'
          	Also, please recommend some places to visit if you want to, thank you in advance


Holaa, no te molesta que haga spam no? Venia a avisar que ya estoy traduciendo tus historias para el que está interesado, así que si quieren leerlas en español en mi perfil están disponibles/Hi, you don't mind if I spam, do you? I came to let you know that I am already translating your stories for those who are interested, so if you want to read them in Spanish, they are available on my profile ^^


@ _Silver_87  Gracias!


Hey hey i just want u to reply so ik ur still alive idk 
          I hope ur well!!


Yuh u told me on insta ;u;


Yeaaah i am still alive, just havent felt like writing or opening up wattpad much sorry sorryy @ZevitX