
But don't forget to check out he new story on @zefeggot_ "Divinity" . because it's really good :)


hiya. this is senecagray_ again. im just here to say that i have read over my stories..and tbh they're a loud of sh*t lol. my grammar and writing skills back then was so terrible. clearly i can't even log into senecagray anymore, so im currently on this one. when you see this, follow me :) im thinking about re-writing and continuing either twin trouble, or re-writing love and regret and continuing fault...?¿


hey guys (if anyone sees this). this is senecagray_ (me) 
          sorry that I've abandoned this acc, but for the pat two years or so I've lost interest in wattpad. Aaand I forgot my password to this account anyway, lol. But I am back–partly. Sorry for abandoning my stories! I don't know if I'm going to continue them. I lost interest in them as well, but if you want to follow this account then go ahead. I'll update more on this one, anyways. :) 



@GoddessOfWttpad  I'm soooooooooooooo sorry if I hurt your feeling I was just trying to be funny. I didn't think you'd take it that serious. but I'm not trying to rush you or anything it's just that I really love your story and I just couldn't wait until the next update.  byeeeeee kiss kiss tushies


I'm not sure what's going on but I hope everything is okay, you're a talented writer. We've been waiting for a while so I guess we can wait longer however when ever you log on to wattpad just let us know what you're going to do with the stories please? 


That's really sad that users are threatening her to update. It really is. Seneca doesn't really get on Wattpad these days. Rarely updates on this profile. It probably ran it's course with her.


@Kiera_Original I was joking for your information it's like people can't take a joke these days


lol you text on christmas day


aye yo seneca update fault please or imma git my niggas to beat yo ass


@Adore_Nae I was just joking jeez Louise and I said please lol


@GoddessOfWttpad why you threaten her that's very childish of you