So @Senpai-Dallas i was wondering if you were currently accepting story requests and if so could you do my villain oc x crossover x my little pony friendship is magic story request because i'm curious to know as i will be honored if you could do it my friend the brotherhood of chaos (which the members are my 24 year old eviler chaotic sadistic human super-villain brother of chrysalis oc dark shadow (xelyk) and his love interest is catwoman (selina kyle) from max's the harley quinn show (2019) and their comrades in arms are striker from helluva boss and tiger claw from nickelodeon's tmnt 2012 cartoon series and negaduck (jim starling) from disney xd's ducktales 2017 reboot cartoon series and bowser koopa from the super mario bros 2023 animated movie series and death from dreamworks puss in boots the last wish and the green goblin (norman osborn) from insomniac's spider-man video game series and dick dastardly and muttley from scoob) as they are the eviler arch enemies and dark counterparts of the mane 7 (twilight sparkle and rarity and applejack and fluttershy and rainbow dash and starlight glimmer) and spike the dragon from my little pony friendship is magic aswell as the deadly arch rivals of the legion of doom (the real grogar (not discord but the real grogar) and chrysalis and tirek and cozy glow and king sombra and the storm king and katrina the enchantress) from my little pony friendship is magic