Skeletons? Skeletons
Art and writing are my main hobbies, but I also like eating rolls while sobbing internally, because rolls are really good- and I have no life, who knew those two could be such an amazing combination?
I am not good at keeping stories updated, because my brain thinks of a newer, better plot and I tend to go to that one. Er- before abandoning that one too. Most likely, this account will be filled with garbage and one-shots. I can do x readers too, because who doesn't love a cute and fluffy (well, maybe fluffy) x reader?
Current trash I am into at the moment;
Pennywise (yes, you heard me)
venom (I know he's marvel but come on, he deserves his own slot he's so perfect)
Things I will write about;

literally anything I have no shame, send me your fantastic (and hopefully angst) ideas.

Also, I'll be posting a lot of mine and my friend Cross' character, because they're just so good.
  • urmomgay
  • InscritSeptember 24, 2017
