
Hi Guys~!
          	Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I am about to graduate soon. Yay.
          	Been working really hard so sorry I haven't had time to post. I hope to have something out soon.
          	Appreciate y'all! ❤️


Hi Guys~!
          I just wanted to come and write these little posts. I was made aware and given comments about my slow posting. I am so sorry for the pacing of some uploads. I am working, in college, and working on several books at a time (Ones publicly published on here, and ones for my own private writings.)
          Im sorry if my publishing & posting are not up to the standards of others but I will try my best always to write great pieces, be more frequent, and hopefully make things you enjoy. Thanks again to all who follow me and read my stories. Means a lot to me. Here's to 2025 being a great year!


Hi Guys!
          I wanna thank everyone for all the recent support and reads I have been getting on my books. I can hardly believe there are 24 of you actively here and following along with me on this journey! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!
          I just recently posted another chapter of 'Doomsday for Doomsayers' I hope you enjoy it!


Hi Guys!
          Im sorry I haven't been publishing as fast. I've been working on writing my own 'personal' not fanfiction work that's taken hold of my interest. With all your guys and support, and reads I have been feeling more passion about writing my own book. Im still devoted and will continue to post my fanfiction works but I just wanted to apologize for the slow speed.
          Thank you for all your kind words, reads, and support. It means so much to me.