
i'm like 300% sure i joined in 2013 not 2014 but okay


I'm thinking about editing The Boy In The Well. If I do, I'll probably end up changing a lot of the story and almost re-writing it. I'll let you guys know if I decide whether or not I'm going to.
          Also, I'm starting a new story soon. I've already started writing it, but I'm going to write it at a slower pace than what I did with TBITW, because I feel like I rushed through with that story when I could've taken more time to actually sit down and write it. 
          I'm going to try and write a few chapters to the new story before I publish it, but just be aware of the possibility of a new story soon. By the way, the new story will be nothing like TBITW (sorry) and will be more realistic and focused around problems and events that actually happen in today's society. 
          I have two midterms left and then Christmas Break begins for me, so I'm hoping I can get a lot of writing done during that. 
          Just wanted to let you guys know :) 