So... I just went to Old Chicago last night for dinner. Had an awesome dinner with my family... Right? I get cold, we get done eating, and ask for the check. We have a small bit of confusion over our check, then everything's fine. Another lady comes up and says "One of my tables has just paid for your meal." My dad said "Oh." And we awkwardly got up, looking around for anyone we knew. Didn't see any one. So we slowly left. So I jut want to say thank you to the lovely person who paid for our meal. And I wanted you guys to know, that doing something like that, could mean so much to someone. It doesn't even have to be buying them a meal. It could be picking stuff up for someone. So love those around you, and don't forget that people are grateful for the things you do to help them. No matter if they show it or not.
Thank you guys. Love you