The commercial edition of _Excavations_ has launched in its ebook format!
That's my link tree. You'll notice it also links to _Ancilla_ and _Morsels_.
There are 84 poems in the commercial edition. Ten of them are the poems I posted on Wattpad as _Songs of Summer, Discovered In Autumn_, but the others are previously unpublished. So that's 22 brand new poems.
And yes, there's erotic material. This is me, after all.
(What? You didn't know poetry could be erotic? Oh, yes, it absolutely can. Erotic poetry goes back a long way. There was a Greek muse whose provenance was passionate and erotic poetry. Her name was Erato. Meanwhile, in other cultures... have you heard of the Song of Solomon?)
For now, only the ebook is live, but I set the wheels in motion for the trade paperback and hardcover editions to launch, so expect them in a week or two. My recommendation is to wait until you can order my poetry in book form. It looks better in hard copy then it does on a glowing screen, and for poetry, looks are as important as sound and sense.