
Hey everyone! I haven't been on here for a while. I plan on trying to write again soon and I decided to start with something that will be a bit easier for me.
          	If anyone still remembers the book "Hunted" I started writing years ago, don't worry. I'm still working on it little by little and might post it on wattpad when it's done. I want this one to be a proper book, I've had this projects since was 16 and it is still dear to my heart.
          	Aaaanyway, thanks to those who took the time to read the rambling of an old wattpatter who hasn't written much. 
          	Take care!


Hey everyone! I haven't been on here for a while. I plan on trying to write again soon and I decided to start with something that will be a bit easier for me.
          If anyone still remembers the book "Hunted" I started writing years ago, don't worry. I'm still working on it little by little and might post it on wattpad when it's done. I want this one to be a proper book, I've had this projects since was 16 and it is still dear to my heart.
          Aaaanyway, thanks to those who took the time to read the rambling of an old wattpatter who hasn't written much. 
          Take care!


Need to vent and I don't know where else to do that, so enjoy ;) 
          I hate what I majored in, I just really don't see myself do that work for my whole like and I soooo wanna pursue my passion to become a published author, so I'm quite conflicted. Stay in something that I hate, but will be quite secure money wise, or throw myself in my passion, knowing that I won't make much money unless I one day get published. It's actually really hard to choose xD


@sweetnightmare22 Thank you for your answer ! You are right about money and I'll definitely think about that :)


@Serabel how about both?.... Passion and determination will get you far and "money"?, money is just pretty paper to purchase material things.Im stuck between those but tbh I kinda like both .. well all because I want to do so many things all at once...All I'm saying is you can grow yourself financially and still thrive in your passion.


Got yourself a new fan YEAHHHH!! I'm weird anyways LOVE your work as you know found your book about you low key funny sh anyways toodles be a good noodle bye.


YAY ! Don't worry, I'm probably even weirder :P That's a good thing if you found it low key funny, it means that I can be KIIIIIINDA funny sometimes. Just sometimes tho. 
            I'm always a good noodle, I swear lol 