
Hi everyone! If you don’t know I’m Serafina! And it’s been years since I’ve posted. I’m no longer a teenager but still find the joy in the shows I love and loved! If you haven’t read my most popular work I announced that I will mainly be going to A03. I’m an adult with adult responsibility now so I will post when I can! Hope to see you there and follow me on A03 at Writers_blocked!


Hi everyone! If you don’t know I’m Serafina! And it’s been years since I’ve posted. I’m no longer a teenager but still find the joy in the shows I love and loved! If you haven’t read my most popular work I announced that I will mainly be going to A03. I’m an adult with adult responsibility now so I will post when I can! Hope to see you there and follow me on A03 at Writers_blocked!


Hi everybody! I just wanted to update y’all on a few things. 
          1. I’m sorry I haven’t been updating any of my stories lately, I’ve recently restarted school and it’s taking up most of my time.
          2. There are new chapters for marina jones coming soon so be on the lookout. 
          3. Thank you all for your support and your patience. 
          So as always, 
          See you later 


I’m so sad to say that once has officially come to an end. This show has been such a big part of my life and I’m so sad to see it go. That being said, I will not stop writing anytime soon(even though I don’t write that often). As oncers, we’ve got to stick together. Once a oncer, always a oncer. Oncers forever! 
          Much love!❤️