
Hello Everyone, I hope you are all having a great day but I just wanted to let you all know that I am almost done writing two sides of the same diaper. But on top of that I am writing another story that releases later today with a new chapter releasing everyday until the story is finished so get ready for another amazing story.


Hello Everyone, I hope you are all having a great day but I just wanted to let you all know that I am almost done writing two sides of the same diaper. But on top of that I am writing another story that releases later today with a new chapter releasing everyday until the story is finished so get ready for another amazing story.


Hello Seraphina. I'm Suiram, an author of one of the stories you've rated. I personally am OK with criticism, so please don't take this the wrong way, but you out one of my stories in F tier, Going Back to Doapers again. Could you tell me what exactly you don't like about it? I'd like to improve my writing.


@SuiramNat Yeah it's fine since it seems to be more of a story selection thing 


@SuiramNat Ya I might give the other one a read soon. Also I just go through reading lists to find stories or whatever shows up on my front page so its common for me to find some stories and not others. Thanks for at least seeing I rated your story though because you are probably the first person. Sorry that the grade may not be what you wanted but I will definitely give your other story a read so you got a chance for a better grade.


@SuiramNat Yeah alright fair. I understand why you would like suspense as well. Though that story is actually a sequel to another story which doesn't have people vote on what happens. I'm surprised you haven't seen it since it's easily my most popular one.


Hi everyone, I would like to let all of you know that I have completely finished my chapter outlines for Two Sides of the Same Diaper so over the next two weeks I will be writing them and once I am done a chapter I will immediately post it to wattpad. Hope you enjoy the story and if you haven't read it up to chapter 4 is posted now so read it.


Loving the story so far 


I have lost yet another story today as my story Amy's summer vacation was removed from wattpad. This is both a good and terrible thing as my works are slowly all being removed but that story did not have an ending so I can now start a new era of writing where I actually complete all the books.


Hi everyone. I have been wanting to add to my newest story Two Sides of the Same Diaper but I really didn't think the plot would make sense and that the story was paced too fast. So I decided to rewrite the story so I do not have a repeat of my other stories that ended without an ending. Also I will probably only release the prologue and the first two chapters tonight and nothing else for probably the next week and a bit because it is exams now and I got to study hard for them. Tank you and enjoy the newish story


I am sad to let you all know that after almost six months my story The Diapered Daycare was removed. I wanted to let you all know this was the only place I had it saved so I couldn't post it again if I wanted to. I will now put all my focus onto my newest story Two Sides of the Same Diaper in the hopes I can make another story as successful as my first.


sadly i dont and i only had it saved here on wattpad


@SeraphinaAnderson69  do you not have it in a word document ?


Same thing happened to me 