
So I'm looking at the views for Sally's Story here are the views for the chapters 
          	1: 12
          	2: 7
          	3: 3 
          	4: 3 
          	5: 3
          	6: 3
          	7: 3
          	8: 3
          	9: 3
          	10: 3
          	11: 3
          	12: 3 
          	13: 4
          	It's like... where did da 4 come from?


So, I'm making a new book I want your Option on something, Should it be in Third Person, Their POV, everybody's POV (Where it switchs whos POV it is), or all?


I think it would be cool if it switches whos pov it is


Hey guys, I have writer's block... again... that means I'm probably not gonna be updating my books for a while... Ughhh, Writer's block is the worst.... Edit: I just looked up how long it can last and it said it CAN last to a year... Any tips on how to get rid of it????


@Rya_is_awesome Mhmm, Thanks for that!


@SerenityPaldino I just helped you lol have fun with her new book


So, today my sister was drinking water, I made her laugh so she spit it all over me. Life lesson: Don't make people laugh when they're drinking water. 


Yeah life lesson: when drinking water never go near my sister


I'm at Tennessee rn! The drive wasn't as bad as I thought it was.
           Here's a little thing my friend sent to me and Imma share it with you guys:
          Fake Friends - Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. ♥ ♥ Real Friends - Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours. ♥ ♥ Fake Friends - Know a few things about you. ♥ ♥ Real Friends - Could write a book about you. ♥ Fake Friends - Would knock on your front door. ♥ ♥ Real Friends - Walk right in and say "IM HOME!" ♥ ♥ Fake Friends - Will help you up when you fall over. ♥ ♥ Real Friends - Will Fall down with you" ♥ ♥ Fake Friends - Will leave the last slice of pizza for you ♥ ♥ Real Friends -Would eat the last slice of pizza and order you a whole new pizza ♥ ♥ Fake Friends - Are for a while. ♥♥ Real Friends - Are for life. ♥ ♥ Fake Friends - Will just read this. ♥ ♥ Real Friends - Will copy this and put this on their bio. 


If you're having a rough day, or your siblings won't stop annoying you, Here's a way to get away from your family! 
          ( option 1 ) Put a melatonin (Something that makes them sleep) in your dad's coffee. Make your mom her favorite food or sweet and put a melatonin in it. Your siblings use your fist or a Bat to make them sleep! (Or you can be nice and bake them a sweet and put a melatonin in that)
          ( option 2 ) Use your money to send them on a vacation without you and you get to be home alone. 
          If you don't have that much money pick option one, that's what I pick.


Omg i want to do number one