I've got some bad news. At this point, I'm pretty sure that I've written myself into a corner with Intervention. I hate to say it, but I don't think there's any better evidence of this than the fact that I keep going months upon months without updating it. I have a clear idea of what I want to do, but I just don't know how to get there. I've been writing it on and off for four years, and I think it's suffered for it. I've mentioned in the past that I plan to do a rewrite, and that's now more true than ever. Codename Alpha has, for a long time, been stuck in between constant changes of the lore, changes to my own style, and a whole bunch more. I just can't progress with it being saddled down by a story trapped in so many different ways. I'm not happy about this. It's very disappointing, but at the same time, I think it's necessary. My writing skills have improved a hell of a lot and I hope that I can make something so much better for those of you that, after 4 years, are still hanging around. I've got big plans for a story more action-packed and interesting, and I hope you'll all be there for it.
@SergeantSiler Really a corner? Huh and I still see a way it could continue. If a rewrite would improve the story overall and give us new chapters, I look forward to it. All I ask is that you keep the old chapters up for comparison and the comments.
@SergeantSiler Nice to see you're alive, glad you're not abandoning this interesting concept furry-space_opera :")