Garrus walks into Commander Shpard's private quarters with a folden T-shirt.
Shaperd: What's that Garrus?
Garrus: It's a t-shirt I created awhile back.
He unfolds it, revealing a picture of himself shooting one of the pink cylinder cans.
Garrus: Remember when I beat you at snipping cans above the citadel?
Sheppard nods, eyes not approving of the shirt.
Garrus: Well, I decided to make a T-shirt I could walk around in. One that screams, 'I BEAT COMMANDER SHEPARD'.
Shepard nods.
Shepard: So that's why the shirt says: "Commander Shepard beaten by Garrus Vakarian at snipping cans on the Citadel." at the top and bottom of the picture.
Garrus nods.
Shaprd: No one reads t-shirts.
Garrus: Not yet. They will once they can buy it themselves.
Shepard is confused.
Garrus: I might have sold the right to my shirt to a few stores on the citadel. You know, for the toursits and races that despise humans. Nothing personal commander. Just want to spread my joy around.
Shepard: The volus store near the docking bay bought them from you didn't they?
Garrus nods.
Shepard smiles.
Shepard: Good. Tali, Liara, come with me. Let's go 'shopping'
Tali and Liara walk in wearing Garrus's shirt.
Tali: Yes, commander?
Liara: Look at these cute shirts Garrus made.
Shepard: Garrus, how long have you had the shirts created?
Garrus: 2 weeks.