Not to sound rude or anything, but when I put ON HOLD in the title of my art contest book, it means that the book is on hold. I've been busy with other things and quite frankly, it gets a little annoying when I log in to this account to see "are you still hosting art contests?" and "when is the next theme getting released?" I don't know, okay? I really don't. I'm not even lying when I say I've been busy with other things. I have books to write and things to do offline. Also, I haven't had any ideas for themes as of lately, so I hope you can all be patient while I deal with everything else in the meantime. Your art is amazing and I look forward to hosting art contests again in the future, but I don't know when exactly I'll be able to host contests again.
With that said, have a great day/night!
I'm going to sleep. It's past 5:30 am for me and I'm tired.