So...I would love it if some of you would check out my story!! OHSHC fans are encouraged to read. Commenting, critiquing, and voting would be much appreciated!! 
  • Дата регистрацииApril 19, 2014

Последнее сообщение
Serkinafullmoon2014 Serkinafullmoon2014 Apr 20, 2014 01:34PM
Thanks. I hope so too. HAPPY EASTER!!! XD CAAAAAAAANDY!!!! @.@
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Истории от Serkinafullmoon2014
Phoenix Frozen(OHSHC) от Serkinafullmoon2014
Phoenix Frozen(OHSHC)
Twins are suppose to be as close as a pair of socks. Always the same and TOGETHER. Right? Nothing could be as...
The Secret Encore (Short scene) от Serkinafullmoon2014
The Secret Encore (Short scene)
Letting go of secrets at the right moments.
The Daughter от Serkinafullmoon2014
The Daughter
Take a instinctive serial killer, that perhaps hasn't been guided properly, and mysterious beauty who should...
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