1. Do you like mustard? Usually
2. Choice of soda? Sprite
3. Do you own a gun? I can'r own one
4. Can you swim? No
5. Hot dogs or Cheeseburgers? Both
6. Favorite Type Of food? Taco's
7. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes, it isn't just supernatural, it's an actual phenomenon whether people choose to believe or not
8. What do you drink in the morning? Mostly just water
9. Can you do 100 Pushups? I could but I can't
10. Summer, Winter, Spring, or Fall? Spring or Fall?.....Depends on my mood but I actually prefer Spring!
11. Favorite hobby? Drawing
12. Tattoos? Yes please!!
13. Do you wear glasses? Yes
14. Do you have phobias? Spiders and hights
15. Do you have a nickname? Yes but please don't call me by my nickname
16. Three drinks you drink? Water,water, and sprite
17. Biggest downfall? My depression
18. Rain or Snow? Rain!
19. Can you change a tire? No
29. Age? 18
21. Can you drive a standard? No?
22. Ever gone skydiving? Never, and I never will! ._.
23. Kids? Most likely not but If I were able to adopt....Then maybe just one
24. Favorite color? Red
25. Employed? No
26. Can you whistle? Yes
27. Where were you born? From the star's ashes
28. Brothers or Sisters? Neither
29. Surgeries? Yes, but I have had one but not serious enough to count as one, but I will have another soon
32. Shower or Bath? Shower
33. Last song you listened to? 'The Tragic Truth' By: FFDP (Five Fiver Death Punch)
34. Are You Loyal? If I trust someone, yes
35. Broken Bones? No
36. How many tv's in your house? 2
37. Worst pain ever? One day when I was being bombed by many hate comments and people irl in general, I just broke apart mentally and emotionally. I also have anxiety so I felt sad enough that I felt like throwing up
38. Do you like to sing? When I'm alone
39. Are your parents still alive? Yes
40. Do you like camping? I barely travel due to financial reasons, but if I could I would love that